This is a service that is offered by Gathering Club, which must be conflict-free from all other services provided by the Center. Using a Person-Centered planning process approach, Case Management focuses on the coordination of care, support and services for individuals who receive Home and Community Based Waiver (HCB) funding.
This Conflict-Free Case Management Service allows the individual and/or his or her family with a point person (Case Manager), who assists in connecting with community and waiver resources. Case Management also assists individuals with goods and services, which may be covered by the Home and Community Based Waiver such as devices, control or appliances specified in the person’s Plan of Care which is necessary to ensure health and welfare or offers greater independence in the person’s home.
It also may include an assessment, partial nutrition supplements, special clothing, customizing a device, or training needed to assist the person with mobility, seating, bathing, transferring or other skills, including but not limited to operating a wheelchair or operating communication devices. The Case Manager works closely with the individual supported as well as providers to ensure ongoing satisfaction, ensuring that needs are met, and that health, safety and welfare assurances are in place.
Several Functions of Case Management:
- Develops Person Centered Service Plans
- Initiate, Monitor and Evaluate Quality of Services
- Assist Individuals find needed Resources
- Assist Individuals with Goods and Services
- Maintain Monthly Contact with the Individuals Supported
- Develop Person Centered Service Plans
- Initiate, Monitors and Evaluates Quality of Services
- Assist Individuals find needed Resources
- Assist Individuals with Goods and Services
- Maintain Monthly Contact with the Individuals Supported